The rapid growth and accessibility of remote hardware devices and computing speed this decade has allowed adaption of digitalization to oilfield services.
ProSep is focused on combining this amazing availability of hardware and software with it's DNA of process conditions optimization and problem-solving for oil, gas, and water streams in the onshore and offshore energy industry.
ProSep offers two internet of things (IoT)/Digitilization products.
ProSep DE Mixer Series
Remote access to information gathered during production operations requires the presence of digitally enabled equipment. With ProSep's DE Mixer Series of products, we have combined our high efficiency mixers with the sensors and controls that allow for real time analysis and feedback to our unit. For example, with our eCLIP DE mixer, the addition of an H2S analyzer, differential pressure transmitter, and 4-20mA control of the triazine injection pump, allows ProSep to optimize the chemical injection flow rate remotely, adjusting to the fluctuating changes in your production.

Process separation in the energy industry involves complicated chemical, mechanical, and electrical processes often working in unison. There are several variables that must be monitored and adjusted for optimal separation of the fluids. Identifying the optimal set points of the flow variables is challenging even with reliable analytical instrumentation. ProSITE is a software package that combines more than 50 years of process separation experience with digitally enabled process equipment. In the upstream oil separation process, for example, ProSITE will use live data from several relevant variables of the crude oil separation process and combine that with machine learning models to determine the most efficient rates of emulsifier injection. The optimal rates are then fed back to the chemical injection pumps for a complete automated and reliable demulsifier injection loop.